ThInkIng Forward to the Ideal Future of CollaboratIve LearnIng

WHT will construct future campuses with an eye toward sustainability, student experience, and security. Our group is cognizant of the special difficulties encountered by educational institutions and supports the trend toward more open, adaptable, and collaborative classrooms.

We thInk every person's opInIon counts.

Our higher education team Has collaborated with top schools across the country, including those that specialize in business, nursing, interdisciplinary studies, and research. We work in tandem with everyone involved, from the administration to the student body, to provide comprehensive projects that benefit the entire campus community and help students and teachers thrive In their ever-changing fields. Everyone has a valuable opinion to contribute, so we prioritize listening before constructing anything.

CreatIng an Improved User ExperIence

Here at WHT, we try to keep things as quiet as possible since we know that campus is, at heart, a home. To keep campuses running smoothly, our teams devise Innovative ways to manage construction around academic and event schedules, use prefabrication to reduce noise, and plan ahead.

Our development of apps, web portals, and Interactive digital kiosks demonstrates our commitment to end-user communication. These tools will keep students and professors updated about construction progress, project Information, and vital notifications.

College and university administrators may rely on WHT’s extensive technical knowledge to advise them on how to Improve existing facilities while staying within their budgets for new construction, renovations, and upgrades.

An EmphasIs on Technology, CommunIcatIon, and SustaInabIlIty

Today’s students value sustainability more than ever, and they prioritize environmental Impact. We feel the same way. WIth every project, WHT works to lessen Its environmental Impact by keeping work sites clean, reducing waste, and handling materials properly.

The Infrastructure of today’s universities must be able to adapt to the rapid development of new technologies. By working with organizations, we assume responsibility for their IT Infrastructure solutIons and help create their future.

Certification programs such as WELL® and LEED® offer Independent confirmation that a community or building was constructed with strategies to enhance performance In areas such as water and energy effIciency, occupant health, Indoor environmental quality, resource management, and sensitivity to Impacts.