DS-sP Solution for Smart Marine Transportation

The WHT Tech with Delphisonic DS-sP Marine Condition Monitoring offers predefined templates for marine machines and specific condition monitoring database settings such as class alarm levels. It is possible to transfer the collected ship data via the WHT Tech with Delphisonic  DS-X Cloud-Based Software Platform to the Predix, Azure or AWS Cloud, from which it can be accessed and analyzed by the WHT Tech with Delphisonic Remote Diagnostic Centre (DRDC) team to support the ship’s engineer or the fleet technical manager, or directly by customers. The analyses and reports are presented in a clear and actionable manner to support ship’s engineers in performing maintenance activities.


DS-sP Engine&Gearbox Prognostics and Health Management

Railway equipment is large and complex. Anticipating repairs and addressing issues early can save time and money. DS-xR Railway Real-Time Condition Monitoring System helps engineers to understand the health of machinery and avoid downtime.

Reaching the rail industry’s goals of increased maintenance intervals and maintenance-free targets of more than one and a half million kilometers requires transitioning from time-based maintenance schedules to condition-based maintenance. This ensures vehicles are only taken out of service for maintenance when it’s actually necessary.

WHT Tech with Delphisonic DS-xR for Smart Railway Transportation Solutions use condition detection systems and sophisticated data processing algorithms to detect incipient damage. This allows sufficient time for repairs before significant mechanical failures can develop, helping to increase reliability and safety, while contributing to reduced maintenance time and costs, life cycle costs and total cost of ownership.


WHT Tech With Delphisonic DS-sP you will find the flexibility you need. Focused on you, our client, we adapt our service to your requirements.

  • WHT Tech With Delphisonic DS-sP condition monitoring solutions
    Together with our partners, we coordinate building, mounting and handing over of the systems as a fully operational solution. You will receive a DS-sP system that is absolutely ready to go.
  • Customer-specific solutions. With our DS-X Cloud-Based Software, your vibration specialists can use all monitoring and diagnostic functions without external support.
  • Combination of both solutions. Would you like to manage the operation and maintenance of your monitoring system and database server yourself? And still have access to diagnostic experts to assess your maintenance needs? Simply select the relevant components from our modular range of services.

Alarm Management System

Intelligently reduces the flood of alarms that often occur when monitoring marine engine, due to variations in operating conditions.


  • Help maximize the availability of your critical and auxiliary machinery
  • Simplify maintenance and reduce maintenance time and costs
  • Give an early indication of possible problems
  • Easy to set up, use and understand (Plug&Play Installation)

Pursuing the Vision, Accomplishing the Mission, Realizing the Dream