Dams, Water Control and Flood Mitigation

Harnessing Nature's Power, Safeguarding Tomorrow's Waters

We are prepared to tackle difficult problems and assist towns and organizations in managing their water supply securely, repairing damage when it occurs, and preventing such harm from happening again.

Value engineering solutions

We make sure that creating value is always a priority by actively developing and implementing value engineering solutions and by diligently tracking all solution suggestions.

The design-to-build methodology ensures that all necessary expertise is accessible from the very beginning of a project throughout its lifetime. It promotes more personal investment in and command over visual appeal, functionality, and quality than a sequential method and is inherently more collaborative.

Self-Perform Advantages

We are capable of performing tasks such as excavation, pouring concrete, and installing exposed mechanical and process equipment on our own. WHT troops maintains control over every aspect and gives our clients peace of mind, whether they are laying subterranean pipe or constructing marine foundations.

Dams, Water Control and Flood Mitigation

We focus on the future through innovative, sustainable initiatives that address the challenges posed by our rapidly changing climate. Due to the annual increase in sea levels, leading scientists anticipate that by the century’s conclusion, the global mean sea level is expected to rise by a minimum of one foot. Our team recognizes the importance of resilience and sustainability for coastal communities in light of the ongoing gradual rise in sea levels. WHT’s comprehensive portfolio of water infrastructure projects, water control structures, bridges, and substantial concrete structures are designed to endure climate challenges, ensuring the protection of your investments and communities.

Engineering Aquatic Resilience: Pioneering Water Management for a Secure Future

At WHT, we engineer resilience into every drop. Our expertise in dams, water control, and flood mitigation combines cutting-edge technology with decades of experience to protect communities and harness the power of water responsibly.

Engineering" highlights WHT's technical expertise and approach

Our Comprehensive Solutions:

  • Dam Construction and Rehabilitation
  • Flood Control Systems
  • Reservoir Management
  • Hydroelectric Power Integration
  • Emergency Action Planning
  • Environmental Impact Mitigation

WHT's Approach:

We utilize advanced hydrological modeling and real-time monitoring systems to design and implement tailored solutions for each unique watershed. Our projects not only safeguard against water-related risks but also optimize water resources for sustainable use.

Sustainability Commitment

Every WHT project prioritizes environmental stewardship. We work closely with ecologists and local communities to ensure our solutions enhance rather than disrupt natural water cycles.

Partner with WHT to secure your water future. Whether you’re facing flood risks, seeking to upgrade aging infrastructure, or aiming to balance water needs with environmental concerns, our team is ready to deliver innovative, lasting solutions.

Contact us today to discuss how we can strengthen your water infrastructure and protect your community for generations to come.

Pursuing the Vision, Accomplishing the Mission, Realizing the Dream